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Rust Differences

Icon LinkDifferences From Rust

Sway shares a lot with Rust, especially its syntax. Because they are so similar, you may be surprised or caught off guard when they differ. This page serves to outline, from a high level, some of the syntactic gotchas that you may encounter.

Icon LinkEnum Variant Syntax

In Rust, enums generally take one of three forms: unit variants, which have no inner data, struct variants, which contain named fields, and tuple variants, which contain within them a tuple of data. If you are unfamiliar with these terms, this is what they look like:

// note to those skimming the docs: this is Rust syntax! Not Sway! Don't copy/paste this into a Sway program.
enum Foo {
    TupleVariant(u32, u64, bool),
    StructVariant {
        field_one: bool,
        field_two: bool

In Sway, enums are simplified. Enums variants must all specify exactly one type. This type represents their interior data. This is actually isomorphic to what Rust offers, but with a different syntax. You can see the above enum but with Sway syntax below:

// This is equivalent Sway syntax for the above Rust enum.
enum Foo {
    UnitVariant: (),
    TupleVariant: (u32, u64, bool),
    StructVariant: MyStruct,
struct MyStruct {
    field_one: bool,
    field_two: bool,

Icon LinkMemory Allocation

In Rust, the borrow checker implements Rust's ownership system Icon Link

In Sway, there is no borrow checker. This means there is no concept of ownership, borrowing, or lifetimes. Instead, objects are copied and moved similar to C++. Also Sway does not have any destructors nor Drop traits. This means allocated memory lives for the entire transaction and is not deallocated until the end of the transaction. A transaction may allocate up to 64 MB Icon Link of memory.